Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17

My mom is in town to hang out with us for a couple of days. We are excited to have her here with us.

Tonight, we decided to take the girls to the Muni to watch The Wizard of Oz and to hear Daddy run sound. Audrey did pretty good. She watched all of the first act and then fell asleep shortly after the second act started. I think she liked it quite a bit.

She has been talking about seeing the lion for a while now. Today, she started talking about how she wanted the lion to come see her and how she wanted him to hold her. She did have the chance to see the lion, but it was after the show. And after the show, she was pretty out of evidenced by this picture.But we saw the lion, and we have a picture to prove it....because she probably won't remember it in the morning!


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