Friday, December 14, 2012

December 13: Make Christmas Cards

Today, Audrey and I made Christmas cards for her preschool teachers.  She did all the stamping and all of the placement on the cards; I just helped with cutting and taping.
We also finally put the decorations on our second Christmas tree.  We have a fake tree that we set up each year and decorate with all the non-matching and homemade ornaments that don't make the cut on the main tree downstairs. 

This year we put the tree up in our bedroom upstairs.  I had visions of us reading our Advent book each night by the glow of the Christmas tree lights.  I tried to do this tonight, but Audrey would only sit there long enough for me to take a picture before wanting to sit on the bed to read our book.

Here are some more pictures from our day today

Audrey and I went upstairs to get Isla from her nap this afternoon, and for some reason, Audrey really wanted to get in the crib with Isla.  I let her, and the girls thought it was hilarious!

 Isla was looking exceptionally cute (and short!) in her outfit today.  I couldn't help but try to snap some pictures of her!  (I'm a little worried about the fact that she is so small, but the truth is, I'm going to be sad when she starts to get bigger.  Especially when she is toddling around, she is just so tiny and adorable. Whenever I let her walk around in public, everyone always stops to watch her.  She is the cutest!!)

Audrey has a Nickelodeon Dance game for the Wii, and lately it is Isla's favorite game!  Today, Isla was dancing with the characters on screen by spinning around in circles.  I should have videotaped it, but I only have this picture.
 Isla also was having fun wearing these glasses.
 After she tried them on and got her picture taken, she insisted (without words) that I should wear them too and get my picture taken too.
Isla has been really expressive with her facial expressions lately.  Here is her new favorite expression. 
And just in case I ever give off the impression on this blog that my house is always clean and beautiful, this is what it looks like (or worse than this!) 90% of the time.


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