Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26

I finally caught some of Isla's smiles on camera! She is also starting to make more happy sounds...i.e. sounds that are not grunts or cries.

It is so rewarding to see her smiles and hear those happy sounds, however brief they may be. Those first few weeks were so hard because she never seemed happy. We worked so hard to keep her fed and rested and content, and it just never seemed to be enough. Audrey was the same way as a newborn, and I just kept asking myself with both of them, "What if she doesn't like me? What if she is going to be grumpy like this forever? What if she never smiles? What if something is wrong with her?"

Obviously, those are silly worries, and I should know better this time around. But between the sleep deprivation and general stressfulness of life with two little ones, it's easy to forget how short-lived this period of life will be. But then I get a glimpse of these sweet, smiling face, and all of those silly worries are quickly forgotten!!


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