Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14

Besides moving Audrey into a big girl bed, we're also thinking it's time to start potty training. My plan is to start serious potty training after our trip to Florida in February. But I want to start talking about it and practicing a little now, so it's not a totally foreign concept when we decide to do it for real.

So I got this potty book for Audrey to help peak her interest. She hasn't really been interested in sitting and reading books much lately (which makes me very sad), but she loved this book. She wanted to read it over and over, and then she wanted to go sit on the potty and read it over and over. She sat there for a long time. Occasionally she would stand up and look in the potty, as if she expected something to be in there, but nothing happened.

I really do not want to potty train Audrey. I think it should be called "parent training" instead, as it sounds like it takes a lot of discipline and diligence on the parents' part to help kids learn how and when to use the potty. And honestly, I'm just lazy and don't want to deal with it yet. Changing diapers may be stinky (literally!), but it seems a lot easier than potty training.

But Audrey can't wear diapers forever. She is showing some signs that she might be ready to use the potty, and it would be nice to get the potty training mastered before baby #2 shows up. I like the strategy of this mom, and I think I will try a similar method.

So...I'm writing this here now, so you all can hold me accountable and make me actually do it! Potty training in the Shelton house will begin around the first week of March. If I am not writing about potty training that week, you all better start commenting and tell me to get with the program!


Anonymous said...

Oh boy!

Today was day 3 for us.

Stay tuned to see if I have anything actually valuable to say in terms of advice. I do agree with the thicker training pants versus regular character panties. They significantly decrease the mess on the floor/carpet. :)

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