Poor Audrey is still sick today. She was acting pretty normal all morning, so I thought she was feeling better. Then at one point, she brought the thermometer to me and said "beep, beep!" She felt a little warm, so I thought I would take her temp. I was shocked because she had a 102 degree temp but was running around like she felt fine.
As the day went on, I think she started to feel worse and worse. When I feel bad, I sleep a lot and lay down and rest all day. But it's hard to get a toddler to lay down and rest! Even when she wasn't feeling good, she didn't want to lay/sit down and be still. I did get her to sit for a few minutes at a time by putting on an episode of Elmo's World or Yo Gabba Gabba. But Audrey just wanted to be up playingconstantly. But then she whined the whole time she was up and wouldn't really play with any toy or focus on anything.
Tonight we needed to get out of the house, so I took her for a little walk before we went to bed. She was pretty tired when we got home. I'm hoping she will get a good night's sleep tonight and wake up doing better tomorrow.
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