I have enough pictures from today for about 10 posts, but I'm not going to get them all edited and uploaded tonight. The past few days (and weeks) have worn me out, and my eyes will barely stay open now.
So I may turn today's pictures into a series of posts spread throughout the week. For today, here is Audrey in her new class at church...Beginner I for 2 year olds. Miss Peggy is the teacher, and she has been teaching that class every week for over 50 years!!!! Her grand-daughter and our friend, Angela, also helps in the class.

I was really nervous about Audrey going to a big kid class. In the nursery they just play and have snack time, so she is used to being able to do whatever she wants at church. I wasn't sure how she would react when asked to sit still and listen and participate in an entire hour's worth of structured group activities.
But she did great! I snuck a peek through the door at one point, and she was sitting in a chair by herself (shocking! I really thought she would cling to Angela all morning!) listening and watching everyone. Miss Peggy said she participated in all the centers and did a good job. What a big girl! They also sang Happy Birthday to her and gave her a special sticker, which she liked a lot!
Stay tuned this week for pictures of Audrey's new play kitchen, her Halloween costume, and her night of trick-or-treating with her buddy Cael!
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