1. She has named one of her babies Wesley. (Wesley is one of our friend's kids). It's a little funny because this is a baby that is dressed all in pink, and Wesley is a very boyish boy. But almost all of Audrey's friends are boys, so it is understandable that she would pick a boy's name. And this is the first time that she has chosen a name for anything, so I think it's cute.
2. Tonight, on the 30 second drive home from church, I asked Audrey what story she wanted to read before bed. And she said, "Bye-Bye Moon" (aka Good Night Moon). And I realized that we have never actually pointed out the real moon to her. So when we got home, I showed her the moon, which was shining brightly in the sky. And she said, "Elmo's World". Meaning, "Duh Mom, that's nothing new. I learned all about the moon on Elmo's World." We do have an Elmo's World DVD about the Sky, so I think she did learn about the moon from Elmo first. Maybe something worthwhile has come from the TV we let her watch.
3. Audrey has started pushing other kids. Like whenever another kid gets near her, she pushes them out of her way. I caught her pushing a few times when we were playing with Evey and Sophie on Monday, and then tonight when I picked her up in the nursery at church, they said she had been pushing everyone. We've already gone through a hitting phase. Fortunately, she seemed to learn that hitting was wrong pretty quickly, so hopefully she will quickly learn that pushing is also wrong. I talked to her about it after we left. When I asked her what she did at church tonight, she said, "Pushing, no!" Oh dear, she's kind of a bully!!
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