Today we took Audrey to the Apple Barn for some pre-Martha Stewart weekend fall fun. I could just post the picture and make you think we had a wonderful time. It's easy to post pictures that look like we are having fun and lead all of you to believe that our life is wonderful and happy all of the time. But in an attempt to keep it real, here's what the trip to the Apple Barn was really like.
It was dreary and windy and freezing! And Audrey was a HUGE grump, crying and whining and driving me insane the entire time. We bought some apples and ate a cider doughnut and attempted to have a nice outing, but really I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible!
One bright spot to the trip: after we got home and got the grumpy girl down for a nap, I used some of the apples we bought and made these yummy Apple Whole Wheat muffins. They are really good, and as an added bonus they are fairly healthy too. So something good came from our stressful trip!

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