I had two photo shoots today. The first was with a sweet little one year old named Alivia. She was very happy, but she was also very active and didn't want to sit still for us. She wore me out, but we did end up with some good shots!

Then later this afternoon, we took Audrey to the park to do a photo shoot for her two year pictures (I still can't believe she is going to be 2 in just two weeks!). It requires a lot of patience to get good pictures of kids. And when I do photo shoots with other people's kids, I don't have trouble at all being patient. But when it comes to Audrey, I get frustrated very quickly when she doesn't cooperate. Fortunately, with the help of Daddy's silly antics and a little bribery with some raisins, Audrey stayed still long enough to pose for a few decent pictures.

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