Here's another dinner time picture.
Audrey is finicky about eating her vegetables. She goes through stages where she eats them without a fuss, and then through stages where every bite is a battle. Lately, we have been in the battle stage.
Tonight, I gave her broccoli with her pizza. And I remembered this day, when Audrey was only willing to eat her broccoli if she was wearing sunglasses. So I pulled out the sunglasses, and sure enough, Audrey ate it up once she had them on. Not sure if this is a good parenting move...what if she will only eat vegetables with sunglasses from now on? But at least she is eating vegetables, so that has to be a good thing. And it's nice to be able to enjoy a somewhat peaceful meal for a change.
Pacifier Update: Audrey cried for about 10 minutes at nap time today before falling asleep on her own. She then slept for almost 2 1/2 hours (a very good nap for her). I'm not even sure that the pacifier was the reason for her crying. Right before naptime, she was exceptionally grumpy and a crying mess. So she could have been crying just out of grumpiness and not because she missed her "night-night" (what she calls her pacifier).
Tonight she went to bed without a pacifier and with no problems again.
Seriously, if I would have known it would be this easy to get rid of her pacifier, I would have done it a long time ago!!
Aren't you glad the paci is gone? We got rid of Garrett's at 10 months and I was prepared for a week or more of fussiness. To my surprise, he didn't even miss it.
Maybe we're just lucky!
As one of your speech therapist friends, I have to say that I am proud of you for getting rid of the pacifier at a reasonable age! And honestly, I never even knew Audrey used a pacifier since she's not running around with it all day! Good job!!!
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