With all that said, I kind of love pictures like this. They are more candid and real and show the kids' personalities. I know these boys' parents probably don't want to blow this up and hang it above their mantel, but I think it's a fun photo!
Pacifier update #2: Normally when Audrey wakes up in the morning the first thing she does is go on a search for her pacifier (or "night-night" as she calls it) and her blanket. The blanket is usually still in the bed with her, the pacifier is usually on the floor under the bed. On morning #2 without the pacifier, instead of looking for her night-night when I came to get her up, she said, "Night-night trash. Blanket here." She understands that her night-night is gone, but that she still gets to keep her blanket. And she seems totally okay with it. Who knew it would be so easy?
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