This is a lame picture, but it's all I have for today.
Audrey got this "puter" at her birthday party yesterday, and she loves it! I'm sure she loves being able to have a computer that she can actually touch, because Mommy and Daddy's computers are strictly off limits. It's actually a pretty cool computer. You can download customized content to it. Right now, when you turn it on, it says, "Hi Audrey!" You can also send Audrey e-mails from our computer. Then when she presses the e-mail button, our e-mail will show up on the screen and be read out loud to her. So fancy!
Audrey has really been impressing me lately with how well she knows and recognizes the letters of the alphabet. Tonight, we were playing with the computer, and I randomly went through most of the alphabet, asking her to push the letter button when I said the letter name. She got at least 80% right on the first try. Sounds like she's about ready to start reading! :)
Sounds like a pretty cool computer!! I was trying to figure out what to get Elise for Christmas. I'll have to check this out!
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