Last night we drove to Indianapolis to drop Audrey off at Daniel's parents' house. Then this morning, Daniel and I drove to Louisville and met up with some of the other church staff for the Southeast Leadership Conference. We spent the day at the conference today, and then there is more conference tomorrow. After the conference, we are driving back to Indy for Daniel's 10 year high school reunion. Then on Sunday, we are throwing a birthday party for Audrey at Daniel's parents' house. Whew! It's a busy weekend. I'm tired just typing it all out.
So today I went to the children's ministry part of the conference, since I've been volunteering a lot in children's ministry lately. Southeast is a huge church, they have like 20,000 in attendance at their two locations each week. That is almost double the size of the town I grew up in! So, today they just opened up their children's wings, showed us what they do week in and week out, and let us roam around and explore their facilities.
I took pictures of several cool things along the way. However, my most favorite discovery on the tour was this:

A library...just for children's books! In their church! I'm so jealous! I would love, love, love to be able to start a children's library at our church. What a fun outreach!
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