8:00 am--leave home
9:45 am--arrive at Curtis Orchard: see goats, see horses, watch Audrey go on her first horse ride, eat apple doughnuts with apple cider, watch kids play, see goats again
12:00pm--outlet mall shopping!
1:30 pm--lunch hosted by Lindsey at her parents' house
3:30 pm--arrive at The Great Pumpkin Patch: look at pumpkins and decor, go with kids through four different mazes, eat pumpkin ice cream, deal with a grumpy Audrey who only had a 10 minute nap, look at the chickens, goats and llamas, go to the actual pumpkin patch to see more pumpkins, take pictures in all of our favorite spots
6:00 pm--leave The Great Pumpkin Patch
6:45 pm--stop for an incredibly healthy dinner at McDonalds on the way home
8:00 pm--arrive home
Whew!! After all of that excitement, I am way too tired to get all of my pictures edited and uploaded tonight. Here is just one picture of Audrey riding her very first horse! She really liked it. I thought she was going to be scared, but she was perfectly happy on the horse. Later on the ride, she even got brave enough to let go of Daddy's arm.

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