This is Audrey praying at dinner tonight. Her prayers are so adorable, always beginning with "Dear Gog" in the cutest little voice.
She's a big girl now! We finally got rid of her high chair and put her at the table with us in a booster seat. She loves to sit in her "big chair".
Speaking of big girls, we got rid of Audrey's pacifier tonight. We had her throw them all in the trash. She likes to throw things in the trash, and she understands that when they go in the trash they are gone for good.
Daniel and I have been very nervous about getting rid of the pacifier. Audrey is such a good sleeper. She will go to sleep immediately anywhere that we put her. We regularly put her to bed in a pack n play at a friend's house or church, then wake her up a few hours later, and put her back to bed at home. And she always goes right back to sleep--with her pacifier, of course! I was/am afraid that the pacifier is the magic sleeping trick. Will she go to sleep so easily and sleep so well without it?
Well, tonight she went to bed without a pacifier and without any fuss at all. No tears, no screaming, nothing. I'm not getting too excited yet though. I think the real test will come at nap time tomorrow. She is a good napper, but not quite as solid of a nap sleeper as she is a night sleeper. Keeping my fingers crossed for now!!
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