Happy birthday to me!! I took this picture at lunch today (with the new flash I got for my birthday!!). Audrey and Daddy were cracking each other up!
Our day began with Audrey throwing up. This is the second time she has thrown up this weekend, so we're thinking she might have some kind of stomach virus. Or maybe she just had too much junk food this weekend and chugged down too much milk on an empty stomach this morning? Who knows?? All I know is that I was queasy all morning after watching her throw up...I don't do vomit. We did have to cancel our babysitter and my birthday plans tonight, because I didn't want to risk her spreading germs to anyone else. For the most part, she is acting pretty normal. She hasn't had much of an appetite, but she did eat more today than yesterday.
At one point, I had a whole post in my head that I was going to write today about turning 30. But right now, I'm not much in the mood to dwell on the fact that I am 30. So we'll save that for another day!
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