I was a little nervous that Pippi is too outdated, and people wouldn't recognize Audrey in her costume. But, fortunately, the spirit of Pippi Longstocking still lives, and most everyone seemed to know who Audrey was. A few got bonus points for singing the Pippi Longstocking theme song. I grew up watching both the old Pippi movie and the new version that came out in the 80s, so I'm a longtime Pippi fan! I've been calling Audrey "Pippi" ever since I started putting her hair in pigtails, and it seemed to be a good costume for this Halloween.
(And while I'm linking to YouTube videos, then I have to include this one: even the Gilmore Girls love Pippi Longstocking!)

We went trick or treating with the Millers door to door around our block, and then we drove around to see a few people from church. I was very skeptical about how Audrey would do trick or treating. I figured she would either be really clingy and too scared to go to the doors, or she would throw a temper tantrum because she would want to eat all the candy right now.
But she did neither. Audrey and Cael walked by themselves holding hands for a long time. They went up to the houses by themselves. Audrey was eager to put the candy in her bucket, but she did pretty good about not wanting to eat it all. (She only had the one piece all night...the sucker in the picture below). Overall, it was a fun time...and Audrey and Cael were way too cute together!!

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