I am thankful for our church. Being a minister's wife, it is easy to get discouraged and frustrated by all that goes on within the church. And it's easy to spend our time focusing on all the negatives. Our church is imperfect (as is every church!), but it is also full of a lot of good people who are doing a lot of good things for God's kingdom.

Our church is in the midst of a lot of change right now. Tonight we had a big Celebration event to look back at the past and celebrate the future of the church. It was a good night with lots of fun and food. They even had clowns! And Audrey LOVED the clowns! I was very surprised, because I would have guessed she would be afraid of the clowns. And she has been pretty grumpy/clingy today--another reason to suspect that she would be timid around the clowns. But she went up to them and gave them high fives and hugs and even sat to get her picture taken with the clowns (though I wish I would have taken another picture because she is making a funny face in this one!).

At the end of the night, the clowns put on a little skit for the kids. Audrey and Elliot were so cute laying on their tummies and watching the clowns!
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