Whew! It's been a busy and productive day today. I didn't quite get everything accomplished on my list, but I did a lot and now I'm exhausted!
The final project of the day was to make baklava for our book club tomorrow night. Our book was about an Iranian woman, so I am making some Middle Eastern snacks for us to enjoy. (It always seems like such a good idea to make all these fancy things in my head, but actually doing them is a different story!!)
The baklava making process actually went fairly smoothly. Baklava is made with fillo dough, which is this crazy, paper thin dough. I've never used it before, so that was kind of fun. I took this picture right after I pulled it out of the oven and poured on the honey sauce. I snuck a little piece to taste test, and I think it tastes fairly good. I am not a big fan of nuts, and I'm not sure what baklava is really supposed to taste like, so I'm probably not the best judge. We'll see what the book club thinks tomorrow night!
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