Last year, I created my own photo Christmas card digitally, then had it printed. That was fun too, but still...time consuming to get the design just right. And even though I think I do a decent job at graphic design work, my finished product still didn't quite look professional.
So, this year, I have decided to go the easy route. Shutterfly and I have been best buddies lately. I hosted a house party with them last week, and they sent me several sample Christmas cards. And their cards looked really, really good. And the time that it would take to make them would be very, very minimal. The combination of great looking cards and easy prep work helped me to decide to use a Shutterfly card this year, instead of making my own.
This was a big decision for me, as I really do like making my own cards. But I also think Shutterfly has some really fun options this year, so I am not disappointed with my choice to go with them. I'm not sure which card I am going to use just yet, but here are a few of my favorites:
Top Ten Card

Last year, in our Christmas letter, I did a 10 top highlights for our family for the year. This card has a top 10 list included right on the card, so I wouldn't even have to include a letter. Very fun!

Folded Joy Card
This is one of the samples that Shutterfly sent me, and I really like it a lot. Inside, there is room for four more photos plus captions. I like photos, obviously, so being able to include more than one is fun for me.

Merry and Bright Card
This one also has space for four photos with captions inside the card. I like it too...this is going to be a hard decision.

Holiday Berries Card
This one is simple, and just one photo on the front and one inside. But I like the style and simplicity of it.
So, if you are on my Christmas card list, a card like one of these may be headed your way soon. And I'm sure you will be eagerly waiting by your mailbox until it arrives!
Fellow bloggers: You can get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly! More info here.
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