Kellie is doing a thankful theme for the month of November (
like we did last year), so I thought I would join in with her again.

Today, I'll start with an obvious one: I'm thankful for Audrey! Sweet, silly, ornery, stubborn, adorable, hilarious, strong-willed, smart little Audrey. Daniel mentioned tonight that he thinks this age is his favorite so far. And I would probably agree. Although there are many moments (like when she threw a major tantrum at Sprouts today when I took her raisins out of the box and put them in a cup), when it doesn't seem like so much fun. She definitely has some "terrible twos" moments.
But all the sweet, fun moments make it really, really easy to forget about the not so fun moments. She is talking so much now, and she says the funniest things in the cutest possible ways. I remember there was a time when she was a baby when she just seemed so shy and serious all the time. And I worried that she would be really quiet and serious her whole life (maybe a little too much like me?)...but that worry was just silly. Audrey is full of life...she is always talking, singing, laughing and bringing us so much joy.
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