I woke up this morning, and my computer would not turn on. Tragic, I know!! Now, my computer is only two years old, but for the past 6 months or so, it has been having some issues. I knew it was getting towards the end of its life, and today it finally decided to die. We had someone look at it, but he thinks it is probably beyond repair. I think it's a piece of junk and not worth repairing anyway.
So, I am returning my new, unopened lens and using that money to help pay for a new computer. A new lens would be nice, but a new computer is more important. Without the computer, I can't edit any photos. Even with a nice lens, I'm not that good of a photographer to give clients pictures straight out of the camera. So the nice lens would be useless without a computer. I actually use the computer for 3 out of the 4 jobs that I currently work, so having one that works is very helpful.
Today, instead of being thankful for my new lens, I am thankful for the new computer that Daniel is out buying right now! I'm thankful that we are able to afford it without going into debt or dipping into savings or spending money that is reserved for other, more important things (like dental work!).
ALSO: I'm thankful for Audrey's 2 year doctor appointment today. She was healthy and on track with all her development, so I'm thankful for that. She weighed 25 lbs, 9 ounces (41%) and she was 34 1/2 inches tall (70%). She is starting to shoot up; at 18 months she was just in the 50% for height. I am most thankful that Audrey was happy through the whole visit. She did not shed one tear, not even when they gave her a shot. She was so happy to go to the "doctor's house" and to talk to the doctor. She really wanted to show the doctor her belly, and she laughed when they took her temperature and heartbeat. Such a night and day difference from our last doctor's visit!
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