Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1

Happy New Year!!

This is year four for my little old blog, can you believe it? I'm thinking it's time for a new look and layout. I'm going to be working on that this week.

I'm also thinking it is time for a new name for this blog. "Emily's Photo Blog" is kind of generic and not really very accurate. This started as a photo a day blog, but it has morphed into something else now. I'm not really sure how to describe it.

The problem is I stink at coming up with clever titles for things. I have no ideas; I need your help! Anyone have any ideas? Nothing TOO clever or witty, otherwise people might expect my writing too actually be clever and witty. We don't want any false advertising.

My last thought for today: I'm planning an organization theme for this month. Something about a new year makes me want to get myself in gear. I need to get my family and my house and my life in order. I figure if I force myself to write about organization, it will help motivate me to get things in order around here.


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