Friday, February 18, 2011

Vacation Post #6: At Grandpa's House

After leaving Disney World, we drove to my dad’s house in Venice, FL. Audrey has never spent more than a few hours with my Dad and his wife Chris, so it has been nice to watch her interact with them and get to know them better.

It is pretty fun to have a “Gam-paw” who can make things out of balloons. So far, Audrey has a balloon hat, a balloon penguin, a balloon elephant and a balloon ball (which is a balloon inside of a balloon). And I’m sure she will end up with more balloons before we leave next week!

Grandpa’s house also has fun gadgets, which is more exciting for Daniel than Audrey. Here they are checking out Grandpa’s 3D TV!

Other fun “Grandpa” things that Audrey enjoys: he can take off his thumb and he makes funny noises. I have always called his noises “siren” noises. My sister calls them “gazooka” noises. I don’t know how to describe it, and none of us can do it. But Audrey LOVES it. She tries to imitate, and it is just hilarious. I'm going to try to videotape it before we leave.


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