Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29

Today I organized my closets/drawers. I have a little money to spend on clothes for this fall/winter, so I thought I would take inventory of what I actually own before buying anything new. Here are two things I learned about my wardrobe:

1. I don't "need" any new clothes. I have plenty of clothes. I may not like to wear them all, but I have plenty.

2. My clothes are very boring. This is my shirt closet. Summer shirts on the left, winter shirts in the middle, and a handful of maternity shirts on the end (Before the rumors start: no, I don't need those at this time...they have just been hanging in my closet since I was pregnant with Audrey). My shirts basically consist of solid colors and stripes, with a handful of exceptions. If I buy any new shirts, it will be out of a desire to create a more diverse wardrobe.
I have no intention of actually keeping my clothing this organized...but it was a good way to see what I have (I have several things I totally forgot about!) and to get rid of some stuff I never plan to wear again.


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