It's a bit weird to have Audrey gone. The longest I have been away from her is just over 24 hours. In some ways, I'm looking forward to the next couple of days. I'm so glad to have the freedom to work all day/night at church without having to worry about feeding Audrey or changing Audrey or entertaining her or getting her to sleep. I spent 12 hours at church today, and probably wouldn't have been able to do that if Audrey was here. I'm also very excited about being able to wake up when I want to wake up, and I'm especially excited to be able to get ready for church by myself. No matter what we do, it always is stressful to get both Audrey and I ready and out the door on Sunday mornings. So I'm excited to have a little bit of time to myself, even though I'm going to be spending all that time working like crazy to get VBS ready.
But I'm also going to miss her like crazy. I'll miss all the funny little things she says and does. It is definitely going to be too quiet around here without her (though we won't really be home). It does make me wonder about what we did with all of our time before she was born. She hasn't even been alive for two years yet, but she has definitely changed our lives completely (for the good!). When Audrey is not here, things just don't feel quite right.
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