I think it's about time for a review of the Nook, don't you?? I have now finished two books on it, and all I can say is: I love it!! Here are my thoughts:
1. I love that you can read without holding it. This is perfect when you read in bed, which I always do. My main reading time is between 10-midnight, when everyone else in my house is asleep! Reading a book in bed is a pain, because you have to hold it and turn the pages, and it's just awkward and uncomfortable. With the Nook, I can prop it up on the comforter (or with the cover Daniel got me for Christmas) and lay down and read. I only have to push a button to turn the page...way easier and much more comfortable.
2. Another reason I like being able to read it without holding it: it's perfect for when you are a holding a baby. I was holding my sister's sleeping baby over Christmas. I just propped my Nook up on a pillow, and I was able easily able to read while holding him. I think this will be a very good thing when baby #2 arrives!
3. When you finish a book, you can have a new one ready to go within seconds (and without ever having to get up!). This is great for traveling. We are going to Florida soon, and I love that I will be able to bring as many books as I want with me!
4. Most people's concern seems to be that reading on an e-reader is just not the same as reading an actual book. But honestly, it really does feel the same as reading a real book. Because the Nook is not back lit (like a computer screen or even the Nook Color), the print on the Nook looks just like it would look on a printed page. Twice, I have tried to physically turn the page (like I would if I was reading an actual book). I don't even notice the fact that I'm reading on an electronic device.
5. It's more fun to read on the Nook. This is probably just the novelty of it, but right now, I'm more excited about reading because I get to read on the Nook.
6. My mom's comment was, "I just feel sorry for the books". And I can agree with that. I love having books on my shelf, and I would love to have a library in my home someday. Just because I own the Nook doesn't mean I will never buy a print book again. I think if I read a book on the Nook that I love, then I would be willing to buy a physical copy for my bookshelf.
7. The battery life is pretty good. My battery seems to last about a week (with me reading every day) before I need to recharge it.
8. My only complaint so far is that the "LendMe" feature, which originally sold me on the idea of getting a Nook, is a bit limited. You can only lend certain books, and then you can only lend them one time. And the selection of e-books available at our library seems even more limited. Hopefully over time, this will improve!
Overall, if you like to read and if you read a lot, I would highly recommend the Nook!
I got a nook for christmas too! I love it so far. I haven't tried to figure out how to download books from the library yet. Is it pretty easy? Also, I heard that if you have a library card anywhere in IL, that you can use with the Chicago public library system. I don't know if that is true, but could be worth looking into.
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