I'm a bit frustrated today because I woke up early this morning feeling very nauseous, and the feeling has stuck around all day. I had been feeling better for the past week or two, so I was hoping this part was past. But no such luck!
The good thing about today is that I think Audrey had a really fun day. So I feel better knowing that my ickiness didn't ruin her day!
We started the day at the Chatham library. If you live in the area and have little ones, it's a great place to take them. They have a nice little play area. Audrey played for a long time while I sat and read a couple of magazines. The library also has a little cafe, so Audrey got to enjoy a cookie before we left. She really likes the "special library" as she called it.

Tonight, Daniel had practice at church, so Audrey and I were by ourselves. I decided to pull out some stamps for Audrey to use. I don't know why I haven't done this before, because she absolutely loved it! And for a two year old, she is a really good stamper! Her fingers may be pink for the next day or two, but for the most part she was very neat and careful. We made a picture for Daddy, and then we made pictures for all the grandparents (so all you grandparents can be expecting some mail from Audrey soon!). Audrey stamped for a solid 45 minutes, and probably would have gone longer if I had let her!
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