We started our letter B activities this week. Today's theme was boats. We made a simple boat craft using construction paper shapes. Audrey really likes all these crafts. I'm trying to come up with a good way to save/display all this artwork. Right now, I've been putting our art projects on the refrigerator. Audrey loves to walk by and point at each thing and say, "I made that!" Today she kept pointing to her boat and saying, "Fun making that!"
But long term, I'm not planning to put all these projects on the fridge or keep them forever. I found a
blog that had some really fun ideas for saving art projects long term that I think I might try.
Anyway, after we made the boat craft, we made this special boat for Audrey to ride in. This flag from
Audrey's parade a few weeks ago worked well for making the sail!

This is Audrey singing Row, Row, Row your Boat while taking a "ride" in her boat. She quickly got tired of riding in the boat herself, but she thought it was really fun to put her toys in the boat and sing Row, Row, Row your Boat to them.

And then we attempted to read this book:
Boats by Byron Barton. But Audrey wasn't too interested. I don't really blame her, because it was kind of lame. But it was the only boat book I could find at our library.
Stay tuned for more "B" activities later this week!
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