We took about a month long break from Sprouts, so today was our first day back. We had a few inches of snow this morning, but that didn't stop about 25 kids and their moms (and a few dads) from coming to join us for some fun play time.
Audrey had a pretty good morning at Sprouts. She is finally starting to get a little braver and slightly more independent in these social settings with other kids. Today she sat in a chair all by herself at story time, while I left the room and got the snack ready. That was a pretty big deal for her. It did help that Lindsey, one of her favorite people in the world, was leading the story time.
I'm thinking about enrolling Audrey in preschool this fall. There is one preschool in town that offers a program (two mornings a week) for 2 1/2 year olds. I don't think she really needs to be in preschool yet (or really at all, I never went to preschool and I think I turned out OK!). And she has the rest of her life to be in school, so what's the rush to get her started so early? But on the other hand, I think she would really enjoy it. She loves her Sunday School class at church. And I think the social environment would be really good for her. Plus, I like the idea of having some extra one on one time with the new baby. Anyone have thoughts about preschool for 2 year olds?
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