Here's a lame picture of the Golden Globes which I'm watching on TV right now. I do love movie awards season!
And for those of you interested in how the toddler bed is working out: so far, pretty good. Audrey went to bed without any problems last night, and she stayed in her bed all night. The only problem is she woke up around 5:45 this morning.
Over the past year, Audrey's wake up time has ranged from 6:30-8:30 (closer to 6:30 lately). But I don't ever remember her waking up and staying awake for the day before 6 am, so this was very unusual. She didn't get out of her bed that early (at least, I don't think she did). She just laid there and talked and sang songs for about an hour while I listened to her on the baby monitor. At one point, I heard her say, "Hi bed, how you doin today?" She finally started to get upset about 6:45 so I went to get her and found her still laying down in her bed.
I don't know if this early wake up time had anything to do with the new bed , or if it was just a coincidence. But I hope it doesn't happen again! The problem with Audrey waking up early (besides the fact that I hate getting up early!) is that she gets very grumpy during the late morning hours.
She also did fairly well at nap time today. She acted like she didn't want to sleep in her bed, but as soon as Daniel put her down, she was quiet and fell right asleep. She slept about an hour and half, which is a decent nap...though I was hoping for something a bit longer due to the extreme early wake up time.
That's enough rambling about Audrey's sleep habits...back to the Golden Globes!
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