I found a great way to entertain Audrey this morning: Toys R Us! She is still young enough that she doesn't understand the idea that we could possibly take their toys home with us...therefore, she doesn't throw fits about wanting to buy things. I'm pretty sure Toys R Us is like a museum to her, a place where she can just go and have fun playing with toys. She stood and played with this little video game for a really long time! (I was using my phone so the picture quality isn't the greatest).

Audrey loves these ride on toys that all the stores have. Especially this one, because it has Barney on it. (I let her pick a movie out at the library last week, and she picked a Barney one. She has been completely obsessed with Barney since then...I don't know what I have started!). The best thing about Audrey and these ride on toys is that she still doesn't know they are supposed to move and light up and play music. She is more than content to climb up and sit on it and push the buttons (that don't do anything!). I'm waiting for the day when she sees another kid riding one and figures out that she has been ripped off all this time!

So, the reason for this trip to Toys R Us was really not to play with all the toys (that was just a little bonus for Audrey). We were driving around to several stores checking out new bed options for Audrey. I think it's time to get her out of her crib. We don't have an extra bed for her right now, so we will have to buy one. I'm debating on whether we should get a toddler bed or a twin bed. A toddler bed is small and will fit better in the space we have (we're planning for Audrey and the new baby to share a room for quite a while). But a twin bed seems a little more logical as she won't outgrow it, even if it may take up more space in the room. Thoughts, anyone??
you still have potty training/wetting the bed to go through, so I would go with a toddler bed. That way if the mattress is ruined, it's not the end of the world. Wait to get the twin until you can be more sure that the mattress will not get ruined quickly.
Twin bed with a plastic sheet. That way you won't have to worry about buying her another bed down the road, when you will actually be worrying about getting the new kid a bed. In fact, I say go ahead and get bunk beds! :o)
Barney may be annoying to parents, but it is very educational. My daughter Mia learned so much from watching those videos.
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