I know, it's pretty lame to post a picture of your photo blog as one of the photos on your blog. (It is also pretty lame that it's only January 2, and I'm already scrambling to figure out what to post!)
But I got a new layout today (from this website), and I like it a lot! I splurged a little and paid $10 for this design. I generally try to make my own header/background or use a free layout, but I figured after blogging this long, I deserved something a little nicer. I know some of you read blogs through Google Reader (or something similar), and therefore you may never actually come to my blog site and see what it looks like. Now you know!
So about the blog, we're coming up on year 3 of this daily photo posting stuff. This is post #702! I am absolutely positive that I have never been disciplined about doing anything else that consistently for that long. I'm planning to continue for another year of daily photo posting in 2011. It's a part of my life now, and my day wouldn't seem complete without it!
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