Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10...Day 288

I'm thankful for books!! I am such a dork, but I just love them so much! The library had these two on hold for me, so Audrey and I stopped by and picked them up. Now I just need to find the time to read them (along with the 4 other books that I already have checked out from the library...it's an addiction!)

On a side note, I really need to start thinking about what I am thankful for earlier in the day for a couple of reasons. Reason #1: Options are limited for pictures at 9 pm, because Audrey is in bed and she is the best source for pictures! Reason #2: I am becoming a photography snob and prefer natural light for taking pictures. There is no natural light at night time, so then I have to use antique effects on my pictures and make it look like I was trying to be artistic and purposely using poor light and taking grainy pictures! Reason #3: Tonight I had the idea of taking a picture of my library books, then I looked at Kellie's blog and she posted a picture of her library card. So it looks like I am copying her idea! I'm not...great minds just think alike! =)


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