We started the day trying to find a park where Audrey could play. Sounds like it would be easy to do...the town of Venice had 30 parks, so I thought for sure we could find a nice one. We looked at all the park descriptions on the website, and they included amenities like this: benches, trails, bird watching, shuffleboard courts. Very few parks had playgrounds! I guess this town wasn’t really designed with two year olds in mind! We did find a park with a playground and decided to check it out. It was kind of a lame playground. Audrey was bored by the slide pretty quickly, but she did sit and "drive" the car for a really long time. And the weather was gorgeous, so it was just nice to be outside!

Thursday afternoon we drove to Bonita Springs, FL. Daniel is leading worship for a revival here (thus the main reason for taking this trip), and we will be here through Sunday. Audrey had a couple of rough moments today…I think all this traveling is starting to wear her down. And it doesn’t help that she has been waking up with the sun this week (7 am Florida time, 6 am our time). Someone needs to teach this girl that when you are on vacation, you are supposed to sleep late!!
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