Audrey was ready to get on that airplane. She wanted to hold her own ticket and give it to the person checking us in at the gate. And then she took off down the ramp all by herself. I helped her find our seats on the plane (after she pointed to each seat and said "this ours?" until we finally got to our row, 27!). Then she climbed up in the seat and said "Seat belt on now." Only two years old, and already a professional traveler!

Perhaps it's because we had such a good time. It really was a lot of fun, and Audrey did a great job. She had plenty of "two year old" moments, but for as much as we dragged her around from place to place to place, she was a real trooper. This was such a fun age to travel and experience all these things with her. She is so easily excited, and I just loved to watch her and talk to her about all the fun things we did!
Or perhaps it's because we had such wonderful weather during our whole trip. Seriously, every single day was 80 degrees and sunny. It was amazing. And then we came home, where it is cold and dreary. The weather forecast for tonight is calling for 6-8 inches of snow. What a way to welcome us home!
Regardless, we are home now. Back to the real world. And back to regular daily blog posting. For those who have stuck with me through all 14 of these LONG posts, thanks for reading. I really don't write all of this for your enjoyment, but more for my own sake. Once vacation is over, all that is left is the memories. And the easiest way to remember all the fun we had is to write about it and take pictures. I used to journal, then I scrapbooked, now I blog...so that's the reason for so many long, detailed posts!
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