Audrey and I went to the library this morning. She just loves the library so much; it is almost always a pleasant outing with her. I normally park on the street and walk to the library, but since it's so cold lately, I have been parking in the parking garage under the library. Its usually about 50 cents more expensive, but it's worth it to be able to park right next to the door. Plus, we get to ride the elevator to go up to the library, and that makes Audrey excited.
Today, I parked and opened Audrey's door to get her out. And she got so excited! I figured she was just excited because she knew we were at the library. But then she said, "No snow here! Walk here! Yay!!" She refuses to walk on the ground if there is any snow in sight, so the past few weeks we've been carrying her around every time we go outside because it is just easier to carry her than to fight with her in the freezing cold. She was very excited this morning to be able to walk all by herself to the library...with no snow in sight.
She was also very excited to get a movie. Last time I let her pick out a movie to take home, and today it was the first thing she remembered: "One movie Mommy! Take home. Buy it!" I tried to explain that we weren't really buying it, just borrowing it, but that idea went over her head.
So we headed to the movie aisle. She wanted to pick out a movie all by herself and told me to "go away". So I stood back and let her contemplate. She sat there for a few moments saying, "Maybe...ummm...maybe...ummm". Finally, I stepped in to help. Choosing one movie out of hundreds is just too big of a decision for a two year old. I picked two movies (a Barney one and another one) and let her decide. She quickly picked the Barney one (oh joy!). Then she proudly carried it around the whole library until it was time to "buy it". And she carried it all the way to car and during the whole ride home and all around the house once we got home. I don't even think we needed to watch it; she was excited enough just to carry it!
Wow, who knew I could write so much about one ordinary trip to the library!
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