Audrey just assumed we were at Sprouts, so she automatically jumped into Sprouts mode for a little while--which means, she was grumpy and clingy and not much fun to be around. But she got better as the night progressed and was having fun by the end of the evening. A highlight of Audrey's night was seeing her Sunday School teacher, Miss Peggy! It was the first thing she noticed when we got there: "Look, there's Peggy!"

The theme of the night was a Pajama Party, so all the kids were wearing their jammies. This is how Audrey sits during circle time. She is very serious about sitting all by herself in her chair. Though she looks like she is not having fun, I think she really does like listening to the songs and the story! (Again this is Sprouts mode...she's not always like that. In Sunday School, she is great at participating. She does all the dancing and actions to the songs, and she answers all the questions....just not at Sprouts, or any events similar to Sprouts).

This is Anna. She is about 3 weeks older than Audrey, and she was looking very adorable in her PJ's and pigtails, holding her baby doll.

Elliot is always adorable! As a part of the circle time, all the kids got a new tooth brush. They got to pretend to brush their teeth and dance while singing a song about brushing your teeth.

- Today we were reading a book about a dog. There is a page that has a series of pictures of the dog doing various activities. Without any prompting, Audrey pointed to each picture and narrated what the dog was doing in one big long sentence: "Doggie in the bathtub, doggie wearing glasses, doggie go potty on the floor, doggie having a birthday party, doggie go night-night." I think it is the longest string of words I have ever heard her put together.
- This morning, I told Audrey that we needed to clean the house. She said, "Yeah, clean house! No crying, I'm so happy!" She was very excited about the idea of cleaning the house...though the actual act of cleaning and helping me quickly lost its appeal. =)
- At the party tonight, Audrey found some chalk and a chalkboard. After scribbling for a few minutes, she said, "Mommy, look! Draw a picture!" I looked at her pictures and said, "Wow! What did you draw a picture of?" Audrey's answer: "A rhino". Of all the things she could have thought up, where did she come up with a rhino??
- Daniel put Audrey to bed tonight (while I listened on the baby monitor). After a beautiful Daddy/daughter duet version of Praise Him Praise Him, they prayed. Audrey thanked God for: Jesus, God, her nose, picking her nose, Miss Peggy and Lindsey. Oh she makes me smile so much!!
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