Today our church hosted a conference for area youth workers. I'm getting ready to start teaching the 2's and 3's class at our church, so I attended the preschool breakout sessions today. And it was great! I have no experience teaching preschool, so I was soaking up every word our speaker was saying...I wish it would have been longer, because I feel like there is so much to learn! So I was there from about 8:30-1:30, then I came home to relieve my mom who had been here watching Audrey all day.
Then while Audrey was napping, I read. I had about 65 pages to finish in my book for book club (which was tonight). After finishing the book, I headed back to church to get everything prepared for my class tomorrow. Seriously, teaching 2's and 3's is way more intimidating to me than teaching junior highers, so I'm a bit nervous about it. But I'm also excited to try something new and hopefully have fun!
As soon as I finished getting stuff for class ready, I ran home to get my Nook and some pizza to scarf down in the car on my way to book club. Book club was really fun. Only four of us made it this time, but the book we read was wonderful (The Shadow of the Wind). We had fun discussing it. And as always, we had fun discussing other things besides the book as well.
Tomorrow after church we will be getting ready to host yet another party here, this time for the Super Bowl. Then I have to start getting ready for a big stamping class that I am hosting here on Tuesday...I have absolutely nothing prepared yet for that class. And after the stamping class is over, it's time to start packing for our trip to Florida! We leave on February 13, and I am so ready for a vacation and warm weather!
If you are still reading this, congratulations!! I know that describing all the events of my day/life is fairly boring, so I'll try to come up with a picture and something a bit more interesting (or at least a little shorter) for tomorrow's post.
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