A big sigh of relief and a big squeal of excitement from us today! The ultrasound went great. All body parts were accounted for, and everything looked completely normal. The baby weighed in at 13 oz, which lined up almost exactly with our due date of June 21. The baby was extremely active, moving all over the place. It was fun to watch it kick and squirm and move around. And it was cooperative in allowing the sonographer to determine its gender.
So tonight was the big Gender Reveal Party. I'm so glad that so many friends are willing to participate in all these crazy party ideas that I have! We had a huge crowd...about 20 adults and 10 kids. I posted a few more pictures
in an album on Facebook (and I'm planning to add a few more tomorrow when I'm not so tired).
So we had everyone come dressed in blue or pink to vote for what they thought the gender would be. Most people thought it was going to be a boy. Here is Team Boy:

And Team Girl:

We played a few games (Team Boy vs. Team Girl)...Name that Tune with songs that had boy or girl in the title and Pictionary with phrases that had boy or girl in it.
Then it was time for the big reveal. I had put an M&M in each cupcake, so they were supposed to find the M&M to determine the gender. But the M&M's didn't work quite as well as I had planned, so the actual reveal was a bit anti-climactic....but they all figured it out eventually.

It's a GIRL!!!!

I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about adding another girl to our family! I'm sure I will have much more to say on this subject but tonight I'm too tired from all the day's festivities...good night!
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