Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11: Snow!

It snowed tonight for the first time this season! 

I do not like snow, especially snow in November.  Snow means cold, which is equal to misery for me.  But I try to keep a positive attitude about snow around the girls.  When you are a kid, snow is fun and exciting, and I don't want my bad attitude about it to spoil the fun for them.

So, tonight, when it started snowing...I sent them outside with Daddy to see the snow.  They were wearing their pajamas and almost ready for bed.  But they were SO excited to go outside in the snow.  Sticking out their tongues to catch it, holding out their hands to catch it, they didn't care about being wet or cold.  All they could see was the snow.  It was pretty cute!

Here is Isla's version of going outside in the snow tonight.


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