Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16

I have so many things I could/should be working on tonight. After Audrey's bedtime is the best time to get things accomplished without interruption. But instead, I'm going to go lay in bed and read this book. Because reading is much more fun than working!

Random Note #1: As I typed the date for this title, I just realized that May is half over. Seriously??? Where has the month gone? I'm not quite ready for our crazy, busy summer to start yet.

Random Note #2: As I was looking at this picture, I noticed that the title is not on the cover of this book. Harlan Coben is the author. The title is "Hold Tight". That's weird.

Random Note #3: As I was taking this picture, I wondered how many pictures of books that I have posted on this blog. A book picture is a good standby when I don't have any other pictures from the day. It is also very boring, but I am a boring person, so what do you expect?


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