It's been a while since I've done a library book post, so I think it's about time for another one.
I think I'm addicted to library books. Every time I go to the library, I end up with way more books than I will ever read in the allotted check out time. I suppose that's not necessarily a bad thing; there are worse addictions out there. I also think I'm addicted to fountain Diet Dr. Pepper...which is probably a worse addiciton...and it's also a post for another day.
Audrey and I go to the library about once per week. Audrey just loves to go to the "bubby" where she can look at all the "gooks" and do "tuddles" and ride on the "a-gor" and usually see a "bus". Translation...Audrey's favorite things to do at the library: look at books, do the puzzles, ride on the elevator and see the busses. Ever since we took the city bus to the state fair a few weeks ago, Audrey has been obsessed with busses. The library is downtown, and we almost always see a bus or two on our way in or out of the library...therefore Audrey now associates the library with busses!
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