Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26...Day 243

A couple of things about this picture:
#1: Audrey has been very interested in pictures these days (she takes after her mom in that way!). We've been looking through photo albums, and she also really likes the picture in this frame. Occasionally, when you ask her "where is mommy/daddy?" she will point to the picture, though I'm not sure that she always points to the correct person. She is getting so smart!! I have been amazed over the past couple of weeks at how much she understands when we talk to her.

#2: I was excited to put Audrey in PJ's for the first time in a long time. Her room is very hot in the summer, so she has been sleeping in just a onesie every night. It's cooler tonight, so I pulled out the PJ's. I got these at a garage sale last weekend, and little did I know that they were extra special PJ's. When I turned off the lights in Audrey's room to put her to bed, these PJ's started to glow in the dark!!


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Elisabeth said...

hahaha that is AWESOME!!!!! glow in the dark PJ's!!!!!!!!!! and even more awesome that she is being responsive when u talk to her :) :)

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