Wow, life has been crazy for us lately. I was debating taking a picture of 2 things today, and ended up taking a picture of both of them together.

First, yesterday I managed to lose both my keys and my cell phone (at different times). It was easy to find my keys. I had left them at Kellie's house after we got back from Wicked on Friday night. My cell phone was a little harder to track down. We got home from Indianapolis last night and I couldn't find my phone. I had used the phone in the car on our way back, so we figured it had to be somewhere in the car, right? We cleaned out all of our bags and searched the car again and again. Finally we decided it wasn't there. My only guess was that it had fallen out of my pocket when we pulled over at an exit outside Decatur. Audrey was screaming, so I got into the backseat to try to calm her down, and I thought maybe it fell out of my pocket then. It was our last guess on where the phone could be. Fortunately, our friends Steve and Amy were driving home from Indianapolis today. They pulled off on the exit we stopped at yesterday, looked around at the spot where we pulled over, and guess what they phone sitting there unharmed!! I am very excited to have both my keys and my phone back in my possession!
The second part of this picture is all the papers and labels that my phone and keys are sitting on top of. Tonight was the first night of our church's week long activity camp called Garage-a-Palooza. I am in charge of registration. Tonight we had 105 kids, which is a great turn out for the first night of this event. But, it's a nightmare when it comes to the paperwork!
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