Daniel went to a concert tonight, so Audrey and I were on our own. My plan was to take her to Barnes and Noble, and then stop at Dairy Queen on the way home for some ice cream. But then it started to rain. And I decided that running around town with Audrey in the rainy/stormy weather didn't sound so appealing.
Instead, we decided to have a movie night! First we put on our jammies. Then we rounded up all of Audrey's friends who wanted to watch the movie with her. Curious George, the caterpillar we made the other day, Donald, Minnie, Pluto, Mickey (which is really another Minnie but don't tell Audrey), and a cat puppet that we made yesterday (another letter C activity) all joined Audrey on the couch. We enjoyed some popcorn and watched Toy Story 3.
This was Audrey's first full length movie. I was surprised that she sat and watched the whole movie. I don't think she was really following much of the plot. She knows many of the Toy Story characters (because they are everywhere!), so she spent much of the movie pointing out everyone that was on screen. She especially liked the baby (the scary creepy one!).
I was worried that parts of the movie might be too scary/intense for her. There was one part, when it got kind of loud and dark, that Audrey seemed a bit scared for a second. Maggie was sitting next to her, and Audrey reached out and grabbed Maggie's paw and said, "Hold Maggie's hand. Feel better."
It was a fun night at home with my little girl!!
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