1. It was really, really cold. Walking around Chicago in frigid temps is not much fun.
2. I did not sleep much...though I tried really hard. We all had a rough time sleeping the first night...I think I ended up sleeping 3-4 hours total that night. The second night was even worse for me....I might have gotten 2 hours of sleep all night long. It was painful.
But, those two things aside, it was a great weekend. I failed at taking very many pictures, but here are a few with a brief summary of the weekend. Amy did a better job of taking pictures, and I'm sure she will be posting some on her blog soon.
These two cute little ones showed up at the train station to say good-bye!

Our class was really good. It was a beginner's class, so I felt like I had a good grasp on a lot of material. But it was good to hear everything explained again, plus I learned several new things and had a few "aha" moments. Here are a couple shots from our "homework" assignment that we were assigned to complete during our lunch break.

Amy and I wanted to buy presents to take back for Audrey and Cael. I got Audrey a stuffed Tigger toy from the Disney store. Amy got Cael a lego set from Lego Land. Except Amy didn't realize that you have to put the legos together. She was expecting something that looked like the picture on the box, not a bunch of little pieces. So Cael would understand what it looked like, Amy and Angela put the legos together for him...in the middle of the food court at the mall!

And that's all the pictures I have! Now, it's back to the real world at home!
I am in spring cleaning/organizing/remodeling mode now. I am eager to get a lot of junk out of our house, and we have a big list of projects to complete before baby gets here. I'm thinking I might have a cleaning/organizing/remodeling theme going on here for the next few weeks.
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