This was one of yesterday's projects: cleaning out the bathroom closet and medicine cabinet. This is the after picture.

I really enjoy organizing. But I am horrible at keeping up with all the organizational systems I create. I keep telling Daniel about my new plans to get organized this year, and he just laughs at me...because he knows I most likely won't keep up with it.
However, I figure that even if I don't keep up with everything on a regular basis, I always go through a major purge and organizational redo every year. So at least for a short period of time, our house will be simpler and cleaner and more organized. Who knows, maybe this will be the year that I get my act together and keep everything in its place all year long!
More to come on this topic in the days/weeks ahead!! We rearranged our living room tonight for the first time in 6 years...not sure how it is going to work out exactly, but it is fun to change things up around here!
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