OK, time for another belly picture. I don't know why I feel the need to document this, but since I took pictures consistently while I was pregnant with Audrey, I feel the need to do the same this time.
I'm 24 weeks now...which is the 6 month mark! At first, I was eager for this pregnancy to go by quickly, but now I'm really ready for time to SLOW DOWN! In 4 months (or less), we will have another baby. And I'm kind of freaking out at the idea of having two kids. I'm feeling very unsure about my ability to take care of two kids without losing my mind.
For those who care to compare, here is a picture of me at 24 weeks with Audrey. I feel much bigger now than I did then...it's hard to tell from the pictures though if that is true or not.
I'm also thinking it is time to get serious about naming this little girl. Right now, I have one name on my list, and Daniel doesn't like it. So we either need to come up with some more options OR Daniel is just going to have to deal with a name he doesn't like! =)
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