1. Gingerbread men. That was the theme for the day, and ever since Audrey had her gingerbread cookie at the Festival of Trees, she has been very interested in gingerbread men.
2. We got to play with playdough, which Audrey loves. And it was extra special because it was gingerbread playdough, so it smelled really good too!
3. Sprouts recently inherited a Mickey Mouse toy, and since Audrey loves Mickey Mouse right now, she is always excited when she gets to play with it. (Though she also does not like to share Mickey with anyone else, so that can cause some problems).
4. We had milk and cookies for our snack time. We have never had milk at Sprouts snack time before, so that was kind of special (and messy, it seemed like all the kids spilled their milk!). Cookies are a special treat too.
5. Audrey got to wear her "cog" (frog) jammies. Since we were doing the gingerbread and milk and cookies theme, we wanted everyone to be extra warm and cozy, so we encouraged the kids to wear the jammies.

that top picture is soooo cute!
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